John and Denise Breeze, Educational Liaison Officers for the Showmen’s Guild (Yorkshire Section), showman’s son Mr Charles Birch was invited to address the Yorkshire Section Guild Committee recently. He discussed his current role as a Connexions Personal Adviser (at iGen/Leeds Careers Guidance) and explained how PA’s can be of assistance to young Travellers.

Personal advisers are the personal face of this service and work in a range of settings; schools, colleges, one-stop shops, community centres and on an out-reach basis. They can offer practical help with choosing the right courses and careers, and connect young people to all the services and support agencies that they may need during their teenage years. PA’s can also introduce young people to a wide range of opportunities like sports, performing arts and volunteering activities, etc.

As Mr Breeze states “…it’s about options!” Indeed, it is not about taking young Travellers away from the business but offering them access to relevant training and educational courses and to opportunities and services they might otherwise be unaware of.

Connexions West Yorkshire is placing several features in the World’s Fair over the coming months to raise awareness of this service that our young Travellers may wish to access.


Anyone wanting to find out more about Connexions and what it has to offer should telephone Freefone 080 800 13219, call into their local Connexions centre or go onto the Connexions website: alternatively Mr John Breeze can be contacted on 07831 243320.