The Showmen's Guild of Great Britain

The principal object of the Showmen’s Guild has remained the same since its inception as the Van Dweller Association: to protect the interests of its members – travelling showmen who gain their livelihoods by attending funfairs. It does this in two ways; by its code of rules for members and through the legal and constitutional processes that exist currently of the land.

The Guild’s rule book ensures that all members have equal status within the Guild, regardless of the scope of their operations as individual businessmen. The rules, which are enforced by the Guild’s own disciplinary tribunals cover such matters as the orderly running of fairs and the conduct of members both on and off fairgrounds.

The Guild is accepted at both national and local levels as the negotiating body for travelling showmen.

Through its parliamentary agent, the Guild contests any proposed legislation that discriminates against its members; or seeks concessions when legislation threatens their ability to make a living.

In matters involving local authorities a delegation of officers will usually be called upon to represent member’s interests.

The Showmen’s Guild of Great Britain is looking forward to working with the new Labour Government in Westminster; in addition to all of the new constituency MPs locally across Britain.

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