The Showmen’s Guild’s power to regulate behaviour contractually, through strict rules with sanctions: 


There are rules of the Showmen’s Guild of GB that mandate codes of behaviour; whether it relates to the operation of a fair / constituent part of a fair, according to agreed rules and according to governing legislation and Guidance e.g. 

  • The strict following of the strictures of HSG175 from HSE and the requirement to have a copy of HSG175 to hand at any fair
    (rule 21(n) (2). 
  • There are rules relating to personal conduct in public, that extend to a member’s family, that if infringed, could attract a significant financial penalty (up to £15,000 – rule 19(b)) as an outcome if the complaint procedure is used by certain committees of the guild. 
  • However at all times the members are of equal standing and this does not give rise to an “employer – employee” relationship. 


Fair Dealing: 

In all its dealings, The Showmen’s Guild works to ensure the continuing success of the whole industry and its members within it and does not take a competing stance with any group in negotiation with any other group. The Showmen’s Guild looks to build consensus in all its dealings, internally and externally.

Political Lobbying with government including via our Westminster All Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) on ‘Fairs and Circuses.’ 
  • The Scottish Section of the Guild also set up the Showmen’s Guild Cross Party Group with the Scottish Parliament in Holyrood; which operates in a similar way on important political and legislative issues. 
  • Parliamentary Groups were instrumental in assisting the Guild and its members (as well as non-Guild colleagues in the industry) during the pandemic. 


Showmen’s identity enshrined in the 2021 & 2022 Censuses: 
  • The misplaced confusion by many in the wider population, of Showmen & Showwomen, with other travelling communities, is hard to dispel and still impedes progressing business and social opportunities for Showmen. 
  • The Showmen’s Guild’s winning the availability of optional self-identification; on the England & Wales, as well as the Scottish Censuses; is a progressive step and the resultant new partnership of statistical analysis with ONS, will yield tangible benefits that go with this cultural recognition.