John Prescott’s, death was announced on 20th November 2024. Showmen nationwide joined others, sad at losing a larger than life character, who’s astute navigation of the politics with his presentation of issues in plain terms; won both hearts and trust as a man of the people.
Showmen’s Guild President, John Thurston, recalled his “A long-standing and strong support of common people and, on behalf of the Guild’s Officials and Management, paid tribute to “his passionate style and devotion supporting working people overall.”
Latterly Deputy Prime Minister, then a Lord: John Prescott, as Deputy Leader of the Blair led Labour Party in 1997; was principal guest at the Showmen’s Guild’s annual Parliamentary Luncheon in January.
Former Midland Section Secretary and Chairman of the Fairground Association, Graham Downie, recalled John’s his speech:
“(He) was quick to engage the attention of Guild members present… recalling how as a boy he visited Chester May Fair and won a cruet set on one of the stalls, which he proudly took home to give to his mother. Then, demonstrating what an acute observer of the fairground scene he was, he asked ‘Who decides what is to given away as prizes each year? Who decides whether it will be furry Alsatians or whatever else?’ The question drew strong recognition from his audience … his speech was warmly applauded.”
Graham further recalled,
“When as Deputy Prime Minister John and his wife were guests at an informal dinner party given by the then Speaker of the House of Commons, Betty Boothroyd. The only other guests were Prime Minister Tony Blair and his wife Cherie and Showmen’s Guild Past President (and current Mayor of Walsall MBC) Cllr. Anthony Harris and his wife Christina. The dinner was partly to thank Anthony for helping Betty Boothroyd’s re- election as West Bromwich MP.”
Graham continued: “By tradition, the Speaker stands unopposed in general elections, but that year someone flouted tradition by opposing her. Anthony mounted a vigorous poster campaign on her behalf and ran a battle bus around the constituency.”
Cllr Anthony Harris described John Prescott as a “very nice, interesting person”; detailing visits to Chester Races Fair, close to his birthplace, coastal resort Prestatyn,
“For many years he would visit with his family; also his other favourite choice was the great Hull Fair” (held in October adjacent to his Hull East Constituency).
“In that period of the Blair government we, as the Guild, and other kindred associations, were considering new proposals for Fairground and Amusement Park safety. With John’s valuable knowledge and experience, we have, what l consider to be, a system that is fit for purpose.”
Anthony continued: “My work with the speaker Betty Boothroyd was a joy and John was there all the way, in getting her re-elected..
Anthony concluded: “John was a ‘man of the people’; he didn’t just ‘talk the talk’ he got out there and got the job done. No pomp, just common-sense, pragmatic politics; that serves the people, not for personal gain.. He was a good friend, who will be greatly missed; not just by a few; but the country as a whole.”
Guild Past President, David Wallis, recalled “He was a regular visitor to Hull Fair and I had spoken to him on several occasions there. He was a good supporter of the Fair and of Showmen.”
Meanwhile, Showmen’s Guild Chaplain, Allen Bagshawe, based in John Prescott’s former Hull East constituency, recalled“(He) was a local legend in Hull. Controversial he could be, but loved he was. He stood up for the ordinary people and made a real impact. Hull loved him.”